Four Guiding Principles
This isn't rocket science. We work smart: Consistent, organized, innovative, and forward thinking. We do the job well.
As service providers, we are guided by four principles that are posted near our desks so we don't get distracted:
1) Quality is always first. We don't take on more than we can handle at any given time. Our current clients are the priority. Our staff hold each other accountable to the highest standard working as a team. Having a business built on referrals can only happen with this as our #1 rule.
2) Be comfortable. We dress casually most often. We are most comfortable this way and hope you don't mind. Properties require us to do a lot of things on any given day and we want to be ready. We also believe we can push the buttons on a calculator the same no matter what we're wearing, so be prepared for khaki’s or nice jeans, but likely not a suit. We want to get the job done and we dress for it.
3) Be open. We are transparent and expect you to be. We believe the only way we're going to achieve goals together is to be open and honest about every aspect of our interaction.
4) Be selective. We work with people we enjoy, including clients, vendors, and staff. This makes for an enjoyable and efficient process for everyone. We believe who we do business with is a choice. It's mutual.